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Lodges of BC and Yukon

The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon warrants 134 Lodges in 78 communities in British Columbia and the Yukon, with 6,000 members; 59 lodges use the Canadian Work, 65 use the Ancient Work, nine use the Emulation Work, and one uses the Australian.

Most lodges in this jurisdiction meet regularly once a month on the evening noted, and also hold an Emergent meeting two weeks following for the conferral of degrees. Unless otherwise noted, lodges do not meet during July and August.
Meetings are normally tyled at 7:30 pm but some will tyle at 8:00 pm.

Lodge halls, in the Grand Juristiction of British Columbia can be found in just about every community. Use the map below to search for a lodge hall near you or the button to find the lodge closest to you and then contact us for more information.

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